Tollywood director Sai Balaji Prasad breathed his last on Monday, succumbing to Coronavirus. He was 57 and declared dead at TIMS, Gacchibowli where he was undergoing treatment.
He started his career as a writer and came to prominence after the 1998 super hit ‘Bavagaru Bagunnara’. This Chiranjeevi starter directed by Jayanth Paranji and produced by Naga Babu had screenplay by Sai Balaji Prasad. His work was well appreciated in the movie leading to multiple offers both on the big screen as well as Television.
He started his career by learning the nuances of filmmaking under successful director Raviraja Pinnisetty. Later on he graduated from writing and directed movies such as ‘Orey Thammudu’ and ‘Sivaji’ starring Sri Hari. Prasad also directed several serials for television namely, ‘Siri’, ‘Aparanji’ and ‘Halahalam’.
He is survived by his wife Gauri and daughter Sujatha. Several personalities from the Telugu Movie Industry expressed their condolences on Prasad’s passing away.