Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej’s upcoming film is being shot at a rapid pace with Pawan Kalyan’s portions being already wrapped up. The film went on floors in February earlier this year and Powerstar, who will be playing the God of Time in this film wrapped up his scenes within a month’s time to move on to his other commitments.
Meanwhile, the makers have finalized a title for this remake of Vinodhaya Sitham. The film has been titled ‘Devude Digi Vachina’ in Telugu. Interestingly, this title was first considered in place of ‘Attarintiki Daredi’ back in 2013. After 10 years, this title is being used for another Pawan Kalyan Trivikram combo film. Samuthirakani is directing this project while Priyanka Mohan has been signed as the female lead in the project.
The film follows the life of an egoist person (Sai Dharam Tej) who after dying in a road accident requests 90 more days to live. How he changes his life and becomes a better and more likable person is what the basic plot is about. Trivikram is handling the screenplay for the film and has made adequate changes to suit the Telugu nativity.
People Media Factory in association with ZEE Studios produces this film, which will have the tunes of Thaman S.