Recently released Tollywood film, Tillu Square has created a new milestone for a Tier 2 range film category. The film has gone close to a gross of 45 crores worldwide. This is indeed a great achievement for lead actor, Siddhu Jonnalagadda and the team as well.
When the Tillu Square trailer was released, everyone was doubtful about its result. Many thought that it might not match up to its prequel’s magic and success. The trailer looked repetitive and boring as well. The Lead Actor Siddhu Jonnalagadda expressed confidence saying that what they showed in the trailer was just a sample. His words have come true now. The film collected a share of around 7 crores in Telugu states on Day 2 which is a record for any Tier 2 film. Earlier Uppena held this record. Uppena starred a Mega hero which fetched that much number. Dasara was projected as a Pan India film hence the collection. But Tillu Square with no Pan India film budget or making managed to cross these films which is surely a new milestone.
If the same momentum continues, the film may even cross the collections of Dasara. The team is enjoying the success and has already announced another film in the franchise, Tillu Cube. This was even shown in the film during the climax. Let’s see what wonders that would create.