Ajith’s Thunivu has finally managed to mark the star actor’s entry into the prestigious Rs 200 crore club. Released for Pongal, Thunivu received direct competition from Vijay’s Varisu. While both the movies received mixed reviews, the star power of both Vijay and Ajith managed to get their respective films to the solid box office performance.
Till now Viswasam was the career biggest hit for Ajith in terms of box-office collection with 195Cr gross. Thunivu, despite of mixed talk did well and emerged into a blockbuster and also the career biggest for Ajith. The film is first one from Thala’s filmography to join the 200Cr club.
The action entertainer co-starring Smuthirakani and Manju Warrior was headlined by Ajith’s amazing screen presence and pacy narration by H Vinoth. These factors managed to get the movie off to a good start. Thunivu delivered career-best 1st-week numbers for Ajith. The action entertainer collected 90Cr in TN in its 1st week and across the country, the film’s collections stood close to 110C after the first week.
Thunivu is now streaming on Netflix and is available for audiences in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi.