The Bollywood audience are going to witness a big clash between Akshay Kumar, Ranbir Kapoor and Sunny Deol at the Box Office as films of these stars are releasing on the same day. OMG 2, Animal and Gadar 2 are set for release on the same day – August 11 – The Independence Weekend. Animal and Gadar 2 had already announced the release for 11th august, Now Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2 has announced for the same date. So now total three films have announced the same release date.
Akshay Kumar was presented a unique avatar on the poster of his next film – ‘OMG 2’, while announcing the release date of the film on Friday morning. The actor took to social media to drop the new poster in which he is seen dressed like Lord Shiva, the Hindu God, with a Damru in one hand.Akshay appears ferocious in the mighty poster. The film is now set for release on August 11 this year.
This announcement led to an interesting to face off at the Box Office as two other big movies ‘Animal’ and ‘Gadar 2’ which are also hitting the screens on August 11. The Ranbir Kapoor starrer and Sunny Deol’s epic sequel to ‘Gadar’ are also cashing in on the long-weekend holiday due to Independence Day on August 15 – Tuesday. With today’s announcement, it is clear that it will be Akshay against Ranbir against Sunny at the ticket windows in August of this year.
Meanwhile, ‘OMG 2’ is the sequel to the first film ‘OMG – Oh My God’ which hit the screens in 2012. The film had featured Paresh Rawal in an important role. This time, Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam join Akshay in the film which discusses on issues like the education system and God. The film is Directed by Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi.
It will be Akshay’s first movie after the box office failures like ‘Selfie’ and ‘Raksha Bandhan’. The actor was loved in the role of Lord Krishna in the first part of Oh My God, and the audiences are waiting to see him in a similar role now in OMG 2.