Mahesh Babu who scored blockbuster with Sarileru Neekevvaru has announced his next project Sarkaru Vaari Paata with director Parasuram. This film was launched on 31st May on the eve of Super Star Krishna’s birthday.
The shooting of this film could have started by this time but due to pandemic, the shooting is getting delayed. Though the film hasn’t started it’s shooting the makers are planning to release an audio byte on 9th August as Mahesh Babu’s birthday special. There is also news surfing on social media that an official announcement regarding #SSMB28 to be made on 9th August but according to our sources there would be no announcement regarding #SSMB28 as of now.
On the other hand director, Parasuram has finalized the other cast and crew members but there is no clarity regarding the lead actress. While SS Thaman is composing music for this film, Mythri Movie Makers, 14 Reels Plus and GMB Entertainments are producing this project.