Tollywood Actor, Varun Tej met the audience with his film, Matka today. The film directed by Karuna Kumar received good buzz before the release but utlimately failed in impressing the audience. Varun Tej and the team pinned high hopes on the film which had a whopping amount of budget spent. But with the film’s negative review and response, the wait for a hit might still continue for Varun Tej.
Varun Tej last solo hit was Gaddalakonda Ganesh which released 5 years ago. After this, he had back to back disasters in the form of Ghani, Gandeevadhari Arjuna and Operation Valentine. He also had F3: Fun and Frustration also starring Venkatesh which was a decent performer at the box office. So, he now hoped of making a big comeback with Matka and portrayed various aged looks in the film as well.
But Matka may not even sustain till the weekend as it seems. On the other hand, there is also Kanguva starring Suriya which released today as well. Kanguva too received poor and negative reviews slamming the output of the film by the fans and audience. Still Kanguva would draw the majority of the audience to its side impacting Matka more. So, we have to see how Matka fares in its full run.