After the release of Bharat Ane Nenu in 2018, director Koratala Siva has not had a release in theatres. Although this has become common for star directors to take their own sweet time between movies, Koratala Siva has had his fair share of hurdles.
Acharya was set to release a long while back but was postponed multiple times due to COVID-19. Acharya was also subject to reshooting many times which led to further postponement of the film.
In the meanwhile, he planned his next movie with Allu Arjun but that got canceled due to Allu Arjun’s busy line-up of films. Soon after this, it was announced that Koratala Siva will be working with NTR next. This will be their second collaboration after the successful Janatha Garage in 2016.
But this project is also getting delayed due to multiple factors. NTR is planning a family holiday trip to get a break from the hectic schedule of RRR. This means that the film will go on floors only in June and Koratala will have wait another 2-3 months.