Vivek Agnihotri, the filmmaker behind The Kashmir Files, has recently released his latest venture, The Vaccine War. The movie focuses on the Indian medical department’s fight against Covid-19 and the struggles they faced in the process of inventing the vaccine. Sadly, the movie failed to achieve bare minimum numbers at the box office and became a big disaster.
However, there’s great news for those who love Vivek Agnihotri and the movie. Abhishek Agarwal Pictures, the production company, has made an official announcement that the Library of Oscars has invited and accepted the script of The Vaccine War. This is a moment that is truly remarkable for the entire film team.
Abhishek Agarwal Arts, the production house behind The Kashmir Files and The Vaccine War, will be producing The Delhi Files, the next project of the director as well.
Pallavi Joshi is one of the producers of The Vaccine War, who is also the wife of Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri. Though their efforts did not yield positive results, getting acknowledged by the Academy Collections of Oscars Library is indeed a true proud moment for the makers of the film.
The Vaccine War stars Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi, Raima Sen, Sapthami Gowda and Anupam Kher in pivotal roles. The flick also features Girija Oak, Nivedita Bhattacharya and Mohan Kapur.