The trailer for ‘Chandramukhi 2’ has come out this evening. The movie’s trailer launch took place in Chennai on Sunday, September 3 and was directed by P Vasu. Kanagana Ranaut plays the lead role as Chandramukhi and serves as a dancer in the court of Vettaiyan Raja. Raghava Lawrence plays Vettaiyan Raja. However, after watching the trailer of Chandramukhi 2, one cannot help but say it appears to be a parody or spoof of the first part.
The selection of the cast and crew, their getups and the theme of the movie everything looks like a spoof version of Chandramukhi (2005) and this trailer was nowhere near to the 1st part, and we need to see how the movie will shape up. As of now, the trailer cut is fragile.
The trailer of the film depicts a big family arriving at a huge mansion with the aim of solving their problems. The trailer depicts that family members are prohibited from entering the south block of the mansion, as it culminates with the court dancer Chandramukhi and king Vettaiyan.
Directed by P Vasu, ‘Chandramukhi 2’ stars Raghava Lawrence, Kangana Ranaut, Vadivelu, Raadhika Sarathkumar, Lakshmi Menon, Srushti Dange, Mithun Shyam, Mahima Nambiar, Vignesh, Ravi, Suresh Menon, and Subiksha Krishnan. The music for the movie is composed by MM Keeravani and the film will be released in theaters on September 15. The film will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada.