The recently released trailer of Chandramukhi 2 had received a lukewarm response. While the anticipation around the film was pretty evident, the team failed to live up to the mark and disappointed everyone. Also, the film’s business in Telugu states got affected by the postponement. It is widely known that in the film, Raghava Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut play the lead roles.
Chandramukhi 2 movies’ Telugu states rights were bought by Radhakrishna entertainments for 13Cr [Including All] but suddenly the movie got postponed from Vinayaka Chavithi weekend. So now the Telugu buyers are saying that they are not okay with the price of 13Cr as there is no holiday advantage for the film.
Reportedly, some negotiations happened both producer and distributor and the latter was not happy with the negotiation. The distributor is said to have walked out of the film. Now NV Prasad is releasing the film in Telugu states. The film had a good craze being a sequel, but its business got influenced because of the postponement. Now, the theatrical business of Chandramukhi 2 in Telugu states is expected to be in the range of 10Cr.
Directed by P Vasu, ‘Chandramukhi 2’ stars Raghava Lawrence, Kangana Ranaut, Vadivelu, Raadhika Sarathkumar, Lakshmi Menon, Srushti Dange, Mithun Shyam, Mahima Nambiar, Vignesh, Ravi, Suresh Menon, and Subiksha Krishnan. The music for the movie is composed by MM Keeravani and the film will be released in theaters on September 28. The film will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada.