Director Koratala Siva’s decision to move away from social media has surprised everyone. The usually easy going director while not so active on social media used the platform to share the updates on his films. Neither did he engage in any discussions nor did he ever post any controversial takes. Hence, Koratala’s decision to close his social media accounts has surprised many.
According to reports, Koratala took this decision as he felt that he was not able to concentrate on his movies. The social media was proving to be quite a distraction for him. The director of late was quite busy with sharing SoS messages during Covid helping out netizens in need.
Koratala stated that all the announcements from his side will now directly be shared to the media. The director is currently busy with the filming of Acharya and is looking to finish it at the earliest. Post Acharya, he will next move on to direct NTR30.