Recently released Malayalam film, Manjummel Boys has hit a jackpot by grossing more than 200 crores worldwide. The film has also become the official Industry hit in Mollywood. The film has attracted Tamil Audiences too and it became a blockbuster hit there. It released in Telugu language and going strong with positive reviews and run as well. But how many of you know that Manjummel Boys is actually the real story of Manjummel Boys?
Manjummel Boys is actually a trip of a group of friends to Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu. One guy named Subash from the gang falls into Guna Caves while exploring with friends. His friend then heroically rescues him from the depths which is also beautifully depicted in the film as well. It’s this real-life connection that made Manjummel Boys very different from the rest of the films. Earlier 2018 film was also based on the floods caused in Kerala in 2018. This film too became an Industry hit there which was ultimately broken by the Manjummel Boys.
Manjummel Boys’ popularity increased to a great level that it surpassed Tamil hero Suriya’s highest-grosser in Tamil Nadu. The film has already grossed more than 6 crores in Telugu States and is on its way to grossing 10 crores worldwide.