In the trailer launch event of DJ Tillu, actor and writer Siddhu Jonalagadda was asked a rather disgraceful question from a Tollywood journalist. Siddhu was taking questions from the media when all of a sudden he was hit with this question.
“You wrote a dialogue about the heroine(Neha Shetty) having sixteen moles, have you happened to check them yourself?” This is in reference to a scene from the trailer where the heroine tells DJ Tillu about how many moles she has on her body.
After the journalist asked this question, he looked at a friend and felt proud about his disgusting question. This question at the DJ Tillu trailer launch has led people to wonder about the sorry state of Tollywood journalists.
However, props have to be given to actor Siddhu Jonalagadda, who dismissed the question like a champ. “I think I’ll avoid the question, Sir” he answered, with a smile.
Actress Neha Shetty who was also present at the trailer launch would have felt even more uneasy at the question. She has come forward with a counter statement:
“This question was very unfortunate at the trailer launch today. But I must go on to add that it simply simplifies the respect he has for himself and for the women around him at his workplace and at home.”