Prabhas’ Adipurush, the mythological drama based on Ramayana and directed by Om Raut is all set for a grand release on June 16. The film’s unit is planning to conduct the promotional events for this film across the country as it is having a huge craze at the pan-Indian level. The pre-release event of the movie will be held on a grand scale. It is said that the venue has been finalized along with the date of this pre-release event.
According to the reports, Adipurush Pre Release Event will be held in Tirupati on June 3. It is very well known to everyone that the trailer of this movie will be released on May 9. Om Raut is directing this movie which is based on the story of Ramayana as said above. While Prabhas is seen in the role of Lord Rama, Kriti Sanon plays the role of Sita. Saif Ali Khan will appear as Lankesh, Deva Dutta Nage as Lord Hanuman and Sunny Singh as Lakshman.
Adipurush movie has been made with a massive budget with motion capture and 3D technology. Initially, the movie was planned to be released in January as a Sankranti gift. But after the release of the teaser, the VFX in the teaser and the getup of the main characters were heavily criticized. The film unit decided to make changes in VFX and other works and postponed the film to June 16.
The additional budget for the VFX reworks of the film is said to be more than 100 crores, but there is no official confirmation on this. Adipurush will be released in Telugu, Hindi and all Indian languages. Prabhas is currently acting in the movies Project K and Salaar along with Adipurush. Also he is doing a comedy horror movie, Raja Deluxe with Maruthi.
Adipurush is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar and Rajesh Nair produced the film under the banners T-Series Films and Retrophiles Production.