Prashanth Neel and Rocking star Yash’s KGF turned out to be a classic. There are few things about KGF that always astonishes. Both the director and hero along with crew of KGF had put their blood in the making. While promoting KGF2 there are lot of things that are unveiling about KGF.
In an interview with Suma, Yash and Prashanth shared a lot of memories about KGF. Suma complimented prashanth for capturing the mother’s strength of going to any extent for her children in a single line. Immediately Prashanth gave credits to Yash saying that he is the one that came up with that line.
“Prapanchamlo Thallini minchina Yodhulu evaru leru”
Yash explained the back story for that scene. He says that ”when prashanth came up with that scene where mother is trying to get a bun for her child, we thought that it should end with a powerful dialogue.”
He went on sharing his family incident that made him got the idea. Yash told that his wife yelled at him like anything for keeping his mobile on the bed which disturbed their kids sleep. He also told that it keeps running in his mind that mother will do anything to protect her children. So that’s how the powerful line came up. Interesting isn’t it?