Game Changer’s Box Office Inflation is the latest burning topic on social media. This morning, the producers of Ram Charan and Shankar’s Game Changer shocked everyone by releasing a box office poster stating the film had collected 186 Cr gross worldwide.
The number from the producers is more than 100 Cr from the actuals. The main reason behind Game Changer’s Box Office Inflation is likely to be the fan wars. The fans want to project that the film has collected more than Devara’s gross on opening day. Devara makers released a 172 Cr poster on opening day and because of that, only the Game Changer team was forced to release a poster for 186 Cr.
The competition and the race between these two stars and fans started from RRR, and it kept on going. But for Devara, it was a minor exaggeration which normally happens for all films but the Game Changer team’s exaggeration is definitely shocking.