Vijay’s upcoming film, The GOAT‘s third single Spark has released today on YouTube. The song featured lead pair Vijay and Meenakshi Chaudhary dancing and grooving. However, The song composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja lacked Spark and the music disappointed the audience completely. Vijay too looked odd surprisingly and this too felt disappointing.
The team has used latest technology of De-Aging for one of the characters of Vijay in the film. But this didn’t come out well as was seen from the Spark Song. The Young version look of Vijay has failed to impress and he looked as a cartoonish character. Instead, the team should have gone ahead with a make-up work for Vijay.
Above all, the music and three songs composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja are a reason to worry for the fans and audience. No song has impressed them fully to the core. Vijay’s previous films’ albums had become chartbusters after their release. This is not happening with The GOAT. The film is scheduled for release on 5th September this year. Vijay will be working for only film after this under the direction of H. Vinoth which has been confirmed as well. The Actor will concentrate only on politics from then.