Thalapathy Vijay’s long-awaited film, The Greatest Of All Time, is due to hit theaters on September 5, 2024. The film, popularly known as The Goat, is the popular star’s debut onscreen collaboration with hitmaker Venkat Prabhu. The popular filmmaker, who is currently promoting his big movie, recently revealed some intriguing insights during an interview with a leading Tamil media outlet.
As you may be aware, Mohan was introduced in the trailer for The Greatest Of All Time as the film’s main antagonist. The casting decision, however, failed to impress a large portion of the audience, who believed that the elder actor’s portrayal came across as too weak. However, Venkat Prabhu has addressed the accusations, confirming that Mohan is not the main antagonist in The GOAT. According to the filmmaker, there is another powerful villain in the Thalapathy Vijay movie, which will be one of the major surprises of the film.
Meanwhile, several netizens who decrypted The GOAT clip predict that Thalapathy Vijay will portray the film’s villain. As previously reported, the crowd-puller is expected to portray various characters in the film, one of which is a highly adept spy. The de-aged character played by Vijay is introduced as the protagonist’s son, who is being trained by his father. However, fans noted that the third Vijay character, who appears in the ‘Matta’ song sequence, could be the film’s villain. To acquire clarity, we must wait for the movie crew to issue an update on this.