The trailer of Vijay’s GOAT has been released and it has certainly packed a powerful punch. The trailer featured Vijay in his usual swag where he’s introduced as a GOAT special agent. He has special expertise as a field agent, and hostage negotiator, and is introduced as the greatest SPY of the unit. The almost 3 minutes long GOAT trailer also featured Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Sneha, Laila, and Meenakshi Chaudhary.
The GOAT trailer looks like an action extravaganza, and Vijay looks superb. Films like this usually have only two outcomes: they either stun or are completely unbearable. This is definitely not a regular commercial film and it needs to be seen which category it will fit in upon its release on 5th September.
The action-thriller has been touted to be the most expensive Tamil film of the year and features Vijay in a dual role. The film also features Prabhudheva and Prashanth, alongside actors such as Mohan, Ajmal Ameer, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Sneha, Laila, Vaibhav, Yogi Babu, Premgi Amaren, Yugendran, VTV Ganesh, and Aravind Akash.
Venkat Prabhu had earlier told the media that his film is a fictional story where Vijay plays a RAW agent. He said, “‘GOAT’ is a fictional story. But, we have made it closer to reality. Vijay and his core team are a part of the Special Anti-Terrorist Squad. It is a wing of RAW. What they did in past becomes a problem in the present. How Vijay and his core team face the challenges forms the story.”