The GOAT starring Vijay has been rocking the box office since its release. The film had a great 1st weekend at the box office and didn’t stop even in the weekdays later. Likewise, the second weekend too had a stunning performance surprising everyone. For 2 weeks, the film has collected 425 crores gross worldwide. The GOAT has surpassed Vikram and also became the All time Top 5th film of Kollywood.
The GOAT continued its strong run in Tamil Nadu and overseas market. Tamil Nadu gross is nearly 200 crores and overseas gross stands at 150 crores for 2 weeks. Vikram starring Kamal Haasan also has gross nearly around 420 crores worldwide which has been beaten by The GOAT now. The film is only behind 2.0, Jailer, Leo and Ponniyin Selvan 1. Trade believes that The GOAT may settle at Top 5 as it looks difficult go past the 500 crores mark with the third weekend.
The GOAT has mostly grossed till now and it is almost impossible to go close to 500 crores worldwide. The film’s disastrous performance in Kerala and Telugu States has also impacted its collections overall. The GOAT is also now 11th biggest South Indian grossing film.