Malayalam film, The Goat Life also titled Aadu Jeevitham starring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Amala Paul is releasing on 28th March. The film is carrying a positive buzz thanks to its plot and making. Recently the lead Actor Prithviraj began promoting the film in press meets. The film is also releasing in Telugu language with distribution by the prestigious banner Mythri Movie Makers.
Mythri Movie Makers arranged a special premiere show for some of the well-known directors of Tollywood. The directors included Hanu Raghavapudi, Venky Atluri, Shiva Nirvana, and Sreenu Vaitla. Prithviraj was also present during the screening. All the directors liked the film and appreciated the team for its efforts. Many praised the performance of the lead actor Prithviraj Sukumaran as well.
Prithviraj is riding high with the success of Salaar: Part 1 – Ceasefire where he played a crucial supporting role. It brought him a Pan-India recognition as well. The Goat Life’s advance books have started and it also opened to a sensational start. The film might even touch the double-digit mark on the opening day. The film has already crossed the $200K mark. If the film attains a positive talk, Prithviraj might see a 100 crore film and above that mark as well.