Mollywood film, The Goat Life also titled Aadu Jeevitham starring Prithviraj Sukumar and Amala Paul is slated to release on 28th March. The film is a survival thriller made with a lavishing budget of 80 crores. The film’s advance bookings have already opened.
The Goat Life has already crossed the 2 crore mark in the home state of Kerala. It has collected $200K mark in the overseas market. The film is carrying a very positive buzz and it also has a holiday advantage. If the film opens with a positive Word of Mouth, then it will definitely deliver another 100 crore gross. Mollywood is riding high with the successes of Manjummel Boys and Premalu which did fantastic at the box office.
Manjummel Boys went on to collect more than 200 crores gross worldwide and has officially become the Industry hit there. Premalu on the other hand did very well considering its budget and had grossed around 120 crores worldwide. If The Goat Life performs on the same lines, then Mollywood would have the honor of giving back-to-back 100 crores gross films in a couple of months. Considering the popularity Prithviraj has, the film may do well in other languages too.