Malayalam film, The Goat Life, also titled Aadu Jeevitham starring Prithviraj Sukumaran is releasing on 29th March. The film boasts a big budget. Amala Paul is also playing the female lead role in the film. Prithviraj Sukumaran has started promoting the film in press meets for all languages. Fans and Audiences are waiting eagerly for the film.
The film is an adaptation of the novel, Aadu Jeevitham. The movie’s pre-sales are trending on a very good note. In the home state of Kerala, pre-sales have crossed the 1.75 crore gross mark. In the overseas market, they crossed the $200K mark as well. Total Worldwide pre-sales are now around more than 3.7 crores. The film is set to register the double-digit opening which will be a record for Prithviraj by a big margin. The Goat Life is also releasing in all languages. A decent opening is also expected in these languages.
The movie has a very positive buzz and the numbers will be huge if it opens to positive word of mouth. Prithviraj looks very confident about the film and he is admitting the same about the film and his Malayalam Film Industry. He recently starred in Salaar which might help him pull the audiences to The Goat Life.