Malayalam film, The Goat Life also titled Aadu Jeevitham starring Prithviraj Sukumaran has struck gold at the Box office. The film has already crossed more than 100 crores gross at the Box office worldwide and the good news is it has now entered Malayalam film Industry’s All Time Top 5 grossing films list.
The Goat Life still remains super solid and grossed nearly 130 crores Worldwide till yesterday. With this, it breached Lucifer and emerged as the 5th highest grossing film there officially. The next target of the film will be Premalu which grossed nearly 135 crores worldwide. This too will be broken by The Goat Life by this weekend and it would then emerge as 4th highest grossing Malayalam film. It also has high chances of breaking Puli Murugan to become the 3rd highest grossing film standing only next to 2018 and Manjummel Boys.
2018 and Manjummel Boys created sensations with 200 crores gross worldwide. Breaking their records will be a big task for The Goat Life. It may go close to 200 crores but can’t go past them. Manjummel Boys is still running successfully in both Malayalam and Telugu languages. Manjummel Boys did well in Tamil Language as well making it a big success in South India as well.