The Goat Life also titled Aadu Jeevitham starring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Amala Paul has achieved a great start at the Box office. The film made on a big scale and budget managed to grab the eyeballs before its release. And likewise, it did a fantastic job as well during the weekend. The Goat Life’s 1st Weekend area-wise Box office Collections are as follows:
The film managed to gross 23.25 crores in the home state of Kerala. The Karnataka gross stood at 3.5 crores. Tamil Nadu and Rest of India gross are 4.1 and 3.2 crores respectively. The gross from the Overseas belt is at a staggering 30 crores. This is a phenomenal number for a film from the Overseas market. The total worldwide gross of the film is now at approx. 65 crores.
This is an all-time record for any Malayalam film beating the previous record holder, Lucifer with 56 crores gross. The Goat Life still looks very strong and would post sensational numbers today also. This film is also on its way to becoming the fastest 100-crore grosser ever in Mollywood. Prithviraj and the team pulled off a great task and everyone must appreciate their grit in bringing the film with so much of hard work.