The GOAT starring Vijay had seen an amazing start at the box office. The film grossed more than 100 crores worldwide on the opening day. This was also Vijay’s second 100 crore opener after his previous film, Leo. Overall, The GOAT’s first extended weekend has a mixed result , In Tamil Nadu and overseas the film does extremely well. In Kerala and Telugu states are Disastrous. Karnataka and North India are decent.
The GOAT 1st weekend collections early estimates
Tamil Nadu: 105 crores
Karnataka: 20 crores
Kerala: 11 crores
Telugu States: 9 crores
North India: 13 crores
The total All India es expected to be in the range of 158 crores. Overseas gross is expected to be in the range of 120 crores. Total Worldwide 1st weekend gross will be more than 275 crores. This is considered to be good overall.
The positive sign of the film is the advance bookings in Tamil Nadu for Day 5 i.e., Monday which looks very promising. Now the numbers after the weekend is mostly expected from Overseas and Tamil Nadu. The film might collect in the range of 400 crores in its full run if Tamil Nadu and Overseas markets hold well. Then this should be considered as a big achievement for a film which acquired a mixed talk.