The first look of Balakrishna’s upcoming film with Gopichand Malineni was released earlier today. The poster featured Balayya in a rugged look wearing a black shirt, brown lungi with a quarry backdrop. This poster has received great response but has also raised a few doubts.
Fans are now speculating that based on this poster, NBK107 might be a remake of Kannada super hit ‘Mufti’ that released in 2017. The film featured Shivarajkumar as a gang lord and Murali as an undercover cop and was a massive success at the box office.
Gopichand Malineni has claimed that NBK107 is based on true events. There is a possibility that the remake has been adapted to local sensibilities. There is also a possibility that this is an original story. The director has clarified that this is going to be an action entertainer with mass elements to suit Balayya’s image. Gopichand Mallineni has done extensive research for the script.
Shruti Haasan will star opposite Balakrishna in this project. This will be her third film with the director after Balupu and Krack. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar will also star in this project which will be backed by Mythri Movie Makers.