Both the Mega Brothers Pawan Kalyan and Chiranjeevi are now going on the same path by signing remakes and destroying their markets at the box office. We know that Pawan Kalyan’s last release, Bro The Avatar, was a remake and tasted a bitter result at the box office. Now Chiranjeevi’s film, Bhola Shankar which is also a remake, has been released today and received a disastrous response. The fans and audiences are frustrated with the way Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan are selecting their scripts.
Bro The Avatar was released just 2 weeks back, and it utterly disappointed fans and the neutral audiences with its content. Many felt that the film did not deserve a star like Pawan Kalyan. Which is why the film failed to continue the good hold at the box office after a weekend. The netizens requested Pawan Kalyan to not make films with such low quality.
Today Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar has released, and it has severely disappointed everyone more than Bro. The fans and audiences are disappointed and frustrated with the mega brothers, they are in no clue why they are doing this kind of films being such big stars.
Success and failures are common in the film industry but Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan are doing such kinds of movies which everyone is aware just with the announcement itself that these films will not work at the box office.