RRR makes the Indian cinema proud once again as it has bagged the prestigious ‘Hollywood Critics Association 2023 Awards’ in the ‘Best Stunts’ category. Along with sharing the poster, the HCA further wrote, “And the HCA Award for Best Stunts goes to… RRR #RRR #RRRMovie #RamCharan #SSRajamouli #NTRamaRaoJr #HCAFilmAwards #BestStunts”.
RRR further won awards for Best Original Song Category, Best Action Film, Best International Film Category as well. Director SS Rajamouli graced the stage and picked up the esteemed award… His winning speech is likewise wonderful as he acknowledged everybody who were part of this film and drove their efforts for this valuable achievement…
“A big thanks to HCA members who thought RRR for best stunts. I thank my choreographer Solomon, who put in lots and lots of efforts, Joji who helped in some of the action sequences. Other stunt choreographers who worked hard and came to India and helped in making the scenes come perfectly by changing their working style.
And I need to thank the wonderful actors NTR and Ram Charan. In the innumerable action shots, the whole film, I can hardly think we used two or three times body doubles. They are incredible guys. It’s the combined effort of the entire team. I thank the whole team. It took 235 days to shoot the movie. Thank you guys. Hope we have this award to wings to fly” He ended his speech saying Mera Bharat Mahan Jai Hind!