Thaman not to be blamed for Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s Misstep in Guntur Kaaram’s Music. It is widely known that from the pre-release days itself, music director Thaman has received a big criticism for his songs not being up to the mark and even on opening day his BGM, Sound Mixing and Songs received mixed response.
But practically the sound mixing issues have emerged mainly due to the delay in the shoot and not giving enough time for Thaman in post-production. Also Thaman has definitely scored a good album, but the way singles were released was wrong.
It was a bad decision by the makers of Guntur Kaaram in selecting the songs. After Dum Masala song they should have released Amma Song (which is not present in the film) followed by Kurchi Madathapetti, and Mama Enthaina song. But they have released Oh My Baby song, which was unnecessary before the release.
Ramana Ey song has beautifully worked in the film. The team has not released Amma Song, and shockingly they did not even put that in the movie and today when it got released the fans and audiences were frustrated after listening to the song.
Amma Song from Guntur Kaaram
They are still in shock as how could the makers of Guntur Kaaram have removed such an emotional song from the film. This song should have been released before, which could have created the right buzz for the film.
Now fans and audiences have understood that the music director Thaman did a good job and the main blame should go to Mahesh Babu and Trivikram for portraying the film in differently. Releasing different promotional content and wrong songs release order, removing the important Amma song from the film, both Mahesh Babu and Trivikram should be blamed for all these decisions.
The film has faced many issues during the shooting stage as Mahesh Babu and Trivikram continuously changed things and shuffled the promotional content, which resulted in a half-baked product despite the movie having good story line and emotions. With continuous shooting hurdles and not spending proper time on important aspects like Shooting, and Post production which resulted in the weakest film in their combination.