Yesterday, Tamil Actor Vijay launched his Political Party’s flag amidst big hype. The Actor launched his political party months ago but took time in releasing the party’s flag. It finally happened yesterday. The Actor hoisted the flag at the party’s headquarters in Chennai. Renowned Music Director, SS Thaman has composed the music for this TVK song. The song had electrifying music composed by him alongwith Vijay’s visuals and other details.
Thaman recently worked for Vijay’s Varisu and gave chartbuster songs as well. He must have been approached once again for the same job where he looks succeeded. The song, as said provided the necessary buzz for Vijay’s political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, shortly TVK. The Flag Anthem also presented Vijay in a political avatar. The song has garnered more than 2 Million Views in 24 hours with more than 300K Likes. This is an amazing response for a Political song.
Many celebrities from the Tamil Film Industry have wished for the success of Vijay. The Actor will be working for one last film apart from The GOAT which is getting ready for release this 5th September. This final film will be directed by H. Vinoth after which Vijay will be completely concentrating on politics. He will compete for the 2026 Tamil Nadu State Assembly Elections.