Fans of music director Thaman have been stirred up by a recent interview of director Boyapati Sreenu, which has caused a storm of controversy. Boyapati Sreenu’s remarks about Thaman’s contribution in his films, particularly the successful Akhanda starring Balayya became the focus of this controversy.
Thaman’s incredible background music helped Akhanda, which featured Balakrishna, become a massive blockbuster at the box office. The movie became more impactful thanks to the powerful and emotional background music, taking it to the next level.
Boyapati Sreenu had made a bold claim in a recent interview that Akhanda was a phenomenal film that could have achieved success even without Thaman’s background score. Thaman’s fans and movie enthusiasts were disappointed by this comment, as they believe that his music was an essential part of Akhanda’s blockbuster success.
Boyapati’s remarks were turned into a headline-grabbing saga by Thaman’s fans, who voiced their disapproval on social media.
On Sunday, Thaman took Twitter to respond to Boyapati’s comments by posting a cryptic message: ‘I don’t care.’ While this tweet didn’t explicitly address Boyapati’s comments, it left netizens believing that it was Thaman’s response to Boyapati’s statement.