Thalapathy Vijay will launch his own TV Channel. It is widely known that Tamil Star hero Vijay announced his political party and is going in full rage to emerge as a big leader, for his political career even he sacrificed his movie life which was in a peak position. The actor is currently working on his 69th film, which will be his last, as the Tamil Nadu elections are in 2026.
It is also being reported that to get success in the next elections, Vijay and his party are putting all their efforts to score a big victory. Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) is the name of Vijay’s party, and he stated that he is committed to “fundamental political change” with transparent, caste-free, and corruption-free administration. According to the reports, Thalapathy Vijay will launch his own TV Channel.
It is no secret that almost every political party is now maintaining a TV channel. So, Vijay is also said to be doing the same. The news from Tamil circles is that the official announcement on this matter will be done very soon, and all the groundwork is happening now.