Tejaswi Madivada, who has been away from the big screen for a while has kept herself busy with other endeavours. The actress has now turned into an assistant director for a web series. The web series is being directed by Anish Kuruvilla and Tejaswi is working with the actor-director as an assistant and getting a deeper feel of filmmaking.
“I have been thinking of taking up greater responsibility and wanted to learn new things in my field. I am glad that I got the opportunity to work as an AD for this project,” beams Tejaswi. “I have been quietly observing, learning, and enjoying so many things as an AD. I enjoy both — being an actress and an AD,” she said
“AD’s get a holistic and comprehensive understanding of filmmaking since they have to work on costumes, production, direction, etc. It’s not an easy job,” says the actress. “Being an AD is a lot more tiring than being an actress, explained Tejaswi Madivada. She also explained that this experience will make her empathize more with the ADs on the sets.