The fans of Nandamuri Family were very delighted to know the news that both Balakrishna and NTR will be gracing the prestigious event of SR NTR’s 100 rupees coin launch which is scheduled to be held on August 28th, i.e. tomorrow. But the latest reports strongly suggest that Tarak (NTR) is not going to make it to the event, and will be skipping it.
Everyone expected this time NTR and Balakrishna can be seen on the same stage for this event but, much to the dismay of the fans, Tarak is skipping the event. No one knows where the problem is really but NTR is continuously skipping the events in which Balakrishna is present. Even before also for the centenary celebrations of SR NTR, both NTR and Kalyan ram had skipped in Hyderabad.
Meanwhile, the Indian President Droupadi Murmu will be leading the ceremony for the release of the specially minted 100 RS coin of SR NTR at Rashtrapati Bhavan tomorrow. Invitees include Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Daggubati Purandeswari, Nandamuri Balakrishna and Jr. NTR.
The Govt. Of India has minted the ₹100 coin with the face of NTR for his centenary celebrations. This coin has a diameter of 44 mm and has 50% silver, 40% copper, 5% nickel & 5% zinc.