Tamil heroes have hit a jackpot attracting Telugu Producers for their films. Dil Raju, a reputed Tollywood producer had produced Vaarisu with Vijay. He was believed to have given 120 crores as remuneration for Vijay for the film which is an astonishing number. This was also Vijay’s highest at that point. Now, Ajith is about to get 150 crores as remuneration for his next film with Mythri Movie Makers. These Tamil Heroes are really cashing on Telugu Producers.
Tollywood’s banners are thinking much about these Tamil heroes. They are taking it prestigious also. D.V.V. Danayya is also said to have offered 250 crores as remuneration for Vijay for his upcoming film. No one knows if this could be Vijay’s last film. Now, coming to Ajith he is about to get 150 crores for his upcoming film, currently rumored title, Good, Bad, and Ugly.
Mythri Movie Makers are trying to offer 10 crores for Love Today fame, Pradeep Ranganathan for a film which is also a big number for him. What these production houses need to understand is Ajith and Vijay are not even Pan India stars like Prabhas and Allu Arjun. Offering such an amount may get wasted if their films become disappointments.