For a few days, the news of Yatra 2, the biopic of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has been doing the rounds in the industry circles. Especially, many rumors have emerged about the actor who is going to play the character of AP CM Jagan. Now, it is said that the film’s unit will soon reveal the lead actor’s name officially in a few days.
According to the latest reports, a Tamil hero is almost finalized for Yatra 2 and will portray the character of Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s character. It is being said that the look test is happening currently and after that, the team will officially announce the name of the hero.
Yatra was the biopic of former United Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister late YS Rajasekhar Reddy. The film was directed by Mahi V Raghav with Malayalam star Mammootty playing the role of YSR. The film became a success, and it was crucial in creating an impact on the public’s opinion about YSR and his journey to the CM seat. Now, Mahi V Raghav is getting ready to make Yatra 2.
Yatra 2 will show the incidents which are important in YS Jaganmohan Reddy’s victory in the 2019 elections. The problems he faced post the demise of his father YSR, issues with the Congress high command and starting YSRCP, his own party. All these events are said to be shown in Yatra 2 until YS Jagan becomes Chief Minister with an outstanding majority in the last elections.