Ashok Selvan, who is one of the most successful heroes of Tamil cinema among the younger generation, recently starred in the critically acclaimed blockbuster film “Por Thozhil”. It has been reported that the 33-year-old talented actor will be getting married to actress Keerthi Pandian on September 13th in Nellai, Tirunelveli. This news has sound like a sweet shocker to his fans. The official announcement will be out soon in this regard.
Keerthi Pandian is the youngest daughter of veteran actor producer Arun Pandian who has also proved her talent in films such as ‘Anbirkinyaal’ and is currently playing the female lead in a few films along with a film with Ashok Selvan as well.
The ensemble cast of the upcoming movie ‘Blue Star’ consists of Keerthi Pandian and Ashok Selvan. Ranjith, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj and Prithvi Pandiarajan are their co-stars. The film is produced by Pa Ranjith. According to the inside reports, the film has been planned to be released in September and may coincide with the wedding of this lovely couple.
Earlier in an interview, Ashok Selvan had said that marriage arranged at home is not suitable for his character.