T-Series bags Devara’s Music Rights. It is widely known Young Tiger NTR is currently working on pan Indian film, Devara, with renowned filmmaker Koratala Siva. The movie is being made with NTR and Koratala Siva, who have an image of the big brand. T-Series bags Devara’s Music Rights.
The film also has Bollywood Actor Saif Ai Khan as a villain and Janhvi Kapoor as the female lead, so the expectations and craze are high because of the superstar cast and crew. Currently, Anirudh is the most famous music director in Indian Cinema, composing music for Devara.
So, there are huge expectations for the film’s audio and the film’s content. Renowned audio label T Series has bought the music rights and as the combination is big and the price also will be big.
The fans and audiences eagerly await the glimpse of Devara, which will be released on 8th January. Recently, Anirudh raised the excitement of the film’s glimpse with his tweet. It is also said that Devara’s glimpse will be attached in theatres to the Sankranthi releases.