Kollywood Actor Suriya and Vetrimaaran collaborated for their film, Vaadivaasal long ago. The film however had faced delays in the shoot owing to postponement as well with Vetrimaaran concentrating more on his Viduthalai series. With Viduthalai 2 releasing recently, Vetrimaaran is now buckling up to take Vaadivaasal on floors.
The film is also said to be shot in three parts on the lines of Vetrimaaran’s Viduthalai series. First part of Vaadivaasal is expected to come in 2025. Vetrimaaran has to be careful now with this plan since his Viduthalai 2 which released recently has bombed at the box office becoming a flop. Interestingly, Mufasa: The Lion King did well compared to Viduthalai 2 in Tamil Nadu.
On the other hand, Suriya received a shock in the form of Kanguva this year which became the biggest disaster of Kollywood. So, it will be an interesting combination of the duo who must give their all to taste success.
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