Tamil star Suriya’s ET (Evariki Thalavanchadu) released in theatres recently. The movie opened up with mixed reviews and ended up flop at Telugu box office. But it did relatively good at Tamil box office. Suriya and Priyanka Arul Mohan paired up together for the first time in this Pandiraj’s directorial. This social drama with mass elements is streaming now on Netflix and Sun Nxt.
ET is streaming in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi on both the OTT platforms. Suriya impressed OTT audience with Aakasame ne Haddura and Jai Bhim. The Tamil actor has his set of fans that are waiting for his films. ET is a action thriller with good social message. The film’s plot revolves around the sexual assault case. Suriya once again impressed in the role of lawyer. Enjoy this commercial action thriller with social message in your preferred language.