Actor Suriya is ready to return to the big screen, with Kanguva set to release next week. Known for his calculated and bold choices, Suriya spent several years experimenting with unique projects, leading to notable successes like Soorarai Pottru and Jai Bhim .Both films gained national recognition for their compelling content, though they premiered directly on OTT platforms. Now, Kanguva marks his much-anticipated comeback to theaters.
Kanguva faced multiple delays due to extensive CGI requirements, but this allowed the team to perfect its 3D effects, making it the first Tamil film to release in 3D since Rajani’s 2.0. With the 3D work nearly complete, the background score is now being synchronized for the final touches.
In addition to Kanguva, Suriya has lined up two more theatrical releases over the next year. He has completed shooting for Karthik Subbaraj’s film, which is aiming for a Match end 2025 release. This will be followed by his collaboration with director RJ Balaji, featuring music by A.R. Rahman, which is scheduled for release in the second half of 2025.
With these consecutive big-screen releases, Suriya is set to bring a series of exciting projects to his fans, marking a dynamic new phase in his career.