Tamil Actor Suriya has finally teamed up with Tamil Cult director, Karthik Subbaraj. The film is also tentatively titled Suriya44 indicating it is the 44th film of Actor Suriya. Karthik Subbaraj is known for making different and rustic films. He enjoys a cult fan base among youth and other language fans as well, especially the Telugu audiences. His films got dubbed and remade here as well.
Karthik Subbaraj has officially confirmed the collaboration that Suriya is teaming up with him through his official X account. He said that he was very much pumped up for Suriya44. He also released a poster where an arrow is seen released through the mid-section of the tree and also fire behind it. Love Laughter War is the tagline. Suriya also tweeted saying that this is a new beginning and appealed for the good wishes of fans and audiences. The film will also be made as a Pan India level film. Suriya is already currently working for another Pan India film, Kanguva which is being made with a lavishing budget.
Kanguva’s teaser has released recently and showcased a big scale production values and making. The film is rumoured to be a time travelling thriller. It also stars Bobby Deol as the antagonist.