Tamil star actor Suriya is entering into Bollywood as producer. Suriya today in twitter announced the first project in Hindi of 2D entertainment. Suriya is making his way into Bollywood as producer with the critically acclaimed Soorarai pottru. Soorarai pottru dubbed into Telugu as Aakasam Nee Hadhura and received positive reviews all over. The film is taken from the life of Captain. Gopinath, the founder of Air Deccan. Akshay Kumar will essay the role of Captain Gopinath in the film.
Suriya in his social media announced the project sharing the poster that has cast and production houses details of the film. Akshay Kumar and pataakha fame Radhika Madan are starring in this remake. Sudha Kongara, the director of the original is helming the director’s role in Hindi too. Sudha kongara’s Guru dubbed in Hindi and received positive feedback. Now she is doing her Bollywood debut with the inspirational story.
Akshay Kumar will play this role with ease as these kind of movies are a cake walk for the Bollywood star. Suriya has got very good name as an actor for Soorarai Pottru. So it is challenging for Akshay Kumar to take up the role. So let’s wish Suriya’s for his first Bollywood venture.