Sai Pallavi’s upcoming multilingual project Gargi has just got more exciting. The film will be presented in Tamil by none other than Suriya and Jyothika. The Kollywood star couple has been backing quite a lot of interesting projects for the last few years. Now with Gargi, they have once again proved that their production house ‘2D Productions’ is always game for quality cinema.
The film Gargi will be released in Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada. Taking to Twitter, Suriya announced about this development to his followers.
Suriya and Sai Pallavi had earlier worked together in 2019 political action drama NGK. While the film failed to impress the audience, their chemistry was well appreciated by many. While this time they won’t be seen together on screen, it will be interesting to see how Gargi is received.
The movie’s first look and behind-the-scenes footage were released on the occasion of the actress’s 30th birthday last month. The video looked interesting and was released in Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada. Gargi is written and directed by Gautham Ramachandra, and produced by Ravichandran Ramachandran.