Tamil Actor, Suriya has not experienced a big hit in the recent times. The Actor still continues as a top Actor in Kollywood. Likewise, Kanguva is giving him a massive push and even showing his craze. The film is doing tremendous business both theatrical and non-theatrical. Suriya has even gone further by beating his counterpart Ajith Kumar in this segment.
The overseas rights of Kanguva are sold for 40 crores. Tamil Nadu business is expected to be done in the ratio of 70 crores. Kerala numbers are 10 crores. Telugu States business is likely to be around 25 crores. All these numbers are huge and very big for Suriya’s standards. These numbers are expected only for Vijay, Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan films. But now Suriya too joined this list with Kanguva by beating Ajith. If Kanguva achieves a positive word of mouth then Suriya will definitely show his box office stamina in all these territories.
Kanguva’s Hindi all rights i.e., digital, Satellite and Theatrical are sold for 100 crores. South Indian Digital rights are boughty by Amazon Prime Video for 80 crores. The total theatrical and non-theatrical business of the film will be around 400 crores which is just stunning. So, let’s wait for 10th October to witness the fate of Kanguva.