Kollywood Actor Suriya with his latest film Kanguva is set to make noise. The Actor along with the team of Kanguva has begun Hindi promotions. He was spotted alongwith the lead Actress Disha Patani in Mumbai for an interview. Director Siva too attended the event. The team hopes to score big making Kanguva a Pan India hit.
The film’s release date is fixed on 14th November worldwide. Kanguva’s trailer has already been released and it achieved a great response. With less than a month for the release, the team and Suriya hope to take it further with the promotional activity. They may also begin the interviews in the other languages as well. But going by their preference, it looks like they are in need of Kanguva’s reach in Hindi markets.
Suriya has pinned high hopes on Kanguva. He hasn’t scored a proper blockbuster in the recent times. The Producer of the film, K.E. Gnanavel Raja has already highlighted the film saying that the film might even gross nearly 2000 crores worldwide after the release.