Suriya 45 release date has been locked. Actor and Director RJ Balaji will direct this film and the latest reports suggest that the makers have fixed the theatrical release date of the film. The interesting thing is, it will be the second release of the Kanguva actor next year. Suriya 45 release date has been locked.
The film will be made as a devotional fantasy entertainer, and the shooting is currently in progress. Dream Warrior Pictures is the production house of the film. AR Rahman was supposed to compose music for this film but young music director Sai Abhyankkar replaced him.
The movie is said to be planned for a September 2025 release, which means Suriya will have quick releases in 2025. Suriya’s 44th film will arrive in theatres next summer. Suriya is said to be playing a lawyer role in the film and is said to have the temple backdrop, similar to the director’s super hit movie Mookuthi Amman.