Suresh Babu’s decision to release his upcoming films Narappa, Virata Parvam, and Drushyam 2 on OTTs has met with mixed reactions. Some fans of Venkatesh, who’s the leading man in two of these films made continuous requests to Suresh Babu on social media. They wanted the producer to cancel the OTT releases and go for direct theatrical release.
On the other hand, some fans have even gone to the extent of fasting for a day to gain Suresh Babu’s attention towards cancelling OTT releases.
A recent appeal by the Telangana State Film Chamber of Commerce (TSFCC) has made the situation rather interesting. In the view of a number of producers moving towards OTTs, the TSFCC has issued a note requesting the producers to wait. The statement put out has requested the producers to wait till October 2021 and if the situation still doesn’t improve then opt for OTT.
Suresh Babu, meanwhile, has not opened up to this suggestion. Speaking on the. matter, the ace producer said, “Exhibitors have been facing losses and they want films to release in theatres. The producers are facing burdens of their own. So decisions like these are made independently and it must be left to the stakeholders involved. Hope things improve soon.”